Friday, May 28, 2010

Hopeful Treatment

I've had some success with infra-red saunas as a source of treatment. Unfortunately, to get one that is well made, has the right kind of heat and will not off gas toxins from the construction materials we are looking at about $3500.00. Over time it certainly would pay for itself but to gather together that kind of money at the outset is not an easy feat for a family with 4 growing children. I have access to one but I only have that access if the King is with me. This is a busy time of year for him that requires much travel so my visits have been very minimal. The massage therapist in the office I work tried an infra-red body wrap at a local spa. The body wrap is advertised for weight loss but she thought it may be helpful to me as I had some good results with the sauna. I discovered that I could claim it as a "wellness" treatment through my husband's insurance so I forked out $75 to give it a try. I've been feeling so poorly since 2010 began I figured I had nothing to lose. The woman at the spa was very knowledgeable and professional. Rather than wrapping my arms as she would for someone interested in weight loss she wrapped those bits up my back and around my neck, I was also wrapped around the middle and my legs. I relaxed for an hour doing nothing but resting, hydrating and sweating. I was amazed at how refreshed I felt immediately after. I felt amazing several hours later albeit tired. She said that I would likely feel tired for a few days but how great my body felt definitely made up for the tired. The effects of the wrap lasted nearly 3 weeks. I was even surprised by my visit from AF as I usually feel like total crap the week before and regularly experience flare symptoms, if not full blown flare. It wasn't until our weather turned from spring to spring snowstorm that I felt poorly again. I will definitely try the treatment again. If I purchase 10 sessions at once than I get a $25/treatment reduction.

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