Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Spring Snowstorm... yet again

brrrr.... it's damp and cold which makes me sore... blah. Had a doctors appointment today for my yearly woman fun. We also talked about my fibro and how the alternative treatments were working, if I'd tried the meds she gave me to help sleep, etc. I admitted that I've been in a bit of a funk since I quit Dr. Voodoo and with that I also stopped massage. I said I feel like I'm in a bit of a grieving stage and learning to not pine for the old me and all I could do. I told her I know that I was neglecting myself and just throwing a bit of a pity party. She said we all do that and it's completely understandable. She said the fibro is such a frustrating condition and sometimes it will seem like there are no answers or solutions. I said that I think I will look for another acupuncturist as I know that it did help me in the beginning. I also recognize that it likely won't heal me but it can help me manage the symptoms better. She is going to do some bloodwork again to see if my RA levels have increased at all. She said I could try taking the Amitriptyline more consistently as some people find that it helps with the pain as well as getting the rest. My challenge is that it will zoink me for a solid 12 hours and I don't hear my kids... not a problem when the King is home but he travels alot this month. I may give it a go while he is home for a week straight. I've only taken them when absolutely exhausted from nights of insomnia. I start another year with insurance so I can head back to massage again without worrying about the out of pocket. Will book an appointment soon. Seriously considering trying a chiropractor who also specializes in acupuncture. Need to get my bloodwork and mammogram appointments settled first. Trying not to overschedule myself but with kids in soccer 5 times a week it can be tough.

Thanks for bearing with me and my complaining. I have been trying hard not to post when I feel like total crap. I do realize how blessed I am that this is not a condition that will take my life. I do know that there are others who have far worse burdens to bear. I'm doing what I can to work through the grief of losing who I was and trying to find the new me in all this.

1 comment:

  1. I completely understand your thoughts/feelings here. Thank you for sharing. I know it's hard when we feel so crappy and like we're just complaining, but I heard once that so long as it's not just a total whine session... this really is the best way to educate people on Fibro and all that you're dealing with; you are just using this to tell your story. It's not complaining; you're telling your story.

    I so appreciate hearing what you said here and totally feel it too. (Except I don't have kids to take to soccer 5x a week. Gosh I don't know how you do it!)

    I have a chiro who is also a great acupuncturist and he's the best thing ever. I don't love the acupuncture, but I'm going to give it a try again next time I'm there (so far for me to travel). I am also on Amitriptyline and don't really feel like it makes a dent, but I've been on it ever since my symptoms started and I probably don't know just how bad it'd be without it. So, alas, I keep on keeping on.

    {{{{HUGS}}}} of the soft, gentle, non-hurting variety of course! :)
